Dark Light
60m band plan updated on May 2021

Band Plan 60m

This 5Mhz Band Plan has been updated on 4 May 2022.

5258.5 kHz – 5264.0 kHz CW

5.262MHz – CW QRP Only

5.278.50MHz – USB frequency

5.290MHz – BEACONS

5.298.50MHz – USB Frequency

5.301MHz – USB Frequency

5.304MHz – USB Frequency

5.317MHz – AM Frequency (Do not exceed 6 kHz bandwidth)

5.320MHz – USB Frequency

5.335MHz – USB Frequency

5.354MHz – USB Frequency (Allocated frequency band WRC-15) – Contacts can happen between the UK and the rest of the world.

5.357MHz – FT8 Frequency

5.363MHz – USB Frequency (Allocated frequency band WRC-15) – Contacts can happen between the UK and the rest of the world. (Most popular)

5.371.50MHz – USB Frequency (used by amateurs in the USA and Canada) Contacts can happen between the UK and those countries.

5.379MHz – USB Frequency

5.395MHz – USB Frequency

5.398.50MHz – USB Frequency (Most popular in the UK – Most active)

5.403.50MHz – USB Frequency (This frequency is used by amateurs in the USA and Canada) Contacts can happen between the UK and those countries.

Operating 5MHz

  • 60m band is available on secondary basis to holders of a UK Full Amateur License
  • Max power output permitted is 100w PEP and 200 EIRP.
  • Mobile operation is not allowed
  • Portable operation is allowed
  • AM operation is permitted within 6 kHz bandwidth.

RSGB 5MHz band plan band plan and notes about 60m band

UK 60m Band facebook group info, chat and skeds on 60m band

60m Reverse Beacon Network Spots CW spots from the RBN Network

5MHz Newsletter by G4MWO Regular Newsletter on 5MHz activity around the world.

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