RSGB 80m CC DATA RTTY and PSK31 contest
RSGB 80m CC DATA contests are the busiest events of the RSGB weekly calendar.
If you like contesting on 80m don’t miss this series.
NON-UK stations welcome.
Look at my waterfall with a full size dipole at 12m above the ground level.
RSGB 3.5MHz Club Championship Contests
80m CC DATA is part of the RSGB 3.5MHz Club Championship Contests which is a series of short evening contests on 80m band ( 3.5MHz to 3.8 MHz) promoting competition between Affiliated Societies.
Date & Time
On Mondays, Wednesdays or Thursdays only.
February and March : 2000-2130 UTC
April, May, June, July : 1900-2030 UTC
CW: 3510-3565 kHz – any speed
CW: 3565-3570 kHz – 15wpm maximum speed
SSB: 3600-3775 kHz
PSK63: 3580-3590 kHz
RTTY: 3590-3620 kHz
Special Contest Callsigns or Club Callsigns may be used
RSGB HF contest calendar and results 2021
RSGB 80m CC DATA April 2021
It was a nice evening and I decide to go to my local hill to give a go to my new 80m full size dipole using a choke balun optimised for 80m, made with (love and .. ) 2x 240-52 ferrite cores.
The top at 12m with the ends at 5m above the field.

Late start due to my laptop, I lost more than 20 minutes rebooting the laptop because FLDIGI scope kept to get stucked.
I used a Parallels Windows10 virtual machine running FLDIGI only.
No integration with N1MM or cluster / bandmap this time.
I managed to run a frequency both on RTTY and PSK63 bagging 50 QSOs.
9 countries worked in 90 minutes.
Italy, England, Scotland, Wales, France, Germany Netherlands, Belgium, Czech Republic, Austria.

Map of QSOs

There are few tools I use to generate QSOs map after the contest.
80mm CC DATA required to upload a Cabrillo file, to generate the MAP of QSO from Cabrillo file I used Qso Map Generator on Adventure Radio website.
Link: by DL4MFM
FLDIGI macros for contest
The macros I used with FLDIGI will be availabe on this article very soon.
Please check this out again for updates.
Thank you all for the QSOs.
Ste, G7RDX