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Raspberry Keyboard Shortcuts

Before we dive into the Raspberry Keyboard Shortcuts, it’s important to note that some of them may not work if you’re using a different keyboard layout than the default. The default layout for Raspbian is UK English, so if you’re using a different layout, you may need to adjust some of the shortcuts accordingly.

Raspbian is a popular operating system for the Raspberry Pi, a small single-board computer. It is based on Debian and is optimized for the Raspberry Pi’s hardware. Raspbian comes with a range of keyboard shortcuts that can make using the system faster and more efficient. In this guide, we will cover some of the most useful keyboard shortcuts in Raspbian.

Default Raspberry Keyboard Shortcuts

Default keyboard shortcuts are the pre-defined shortcuts in Raspbian that allow you to perform common tasks quickly and efficiently. Here is a table of the most commonly used default keyboard shortcuts in Raspbian:

Ctrl + Alt + TOpens the terminal
Ctrl + Alt + F4Closes the current window
Alt + TabSwitches between open windows
Ctrl + Alt + Left/RightSwitches between virtual desktops
Ctrl + Alt + Up/DownMaximizes or restores the current window
Alt + F2Opens the Run Application dialog
Alt + F1Opens the Raspbian menu
Alt + F10Maximizes or restores the current window
Alt + F4Closes the current window
Ctrl + QCloses the current application
Ctrl + WCloses the current tab in the web browser
Ctrl + Alt + DelOpens the Task Manager
Ctrl + Alt + LLocks the screen

Raspberry Desktop Shortcuts

Super/Windows Key + AOpens the applications menu
Super/Windows Key + DShows the desktop
Super/Windows Key + EOpens the file manager
Super/Windows Key + FOpens the search bar
Super/Windows Key + LLocks the screen
Super/Windows Key + PSelects display mode
Super/Windows Key + SOpens the screen settings
Super/Windows Key + TCycles through open windows in the taskbar
Super/Windows Key + TabCycles through open applications

Raspberry Keyboard Shortcuts for File Management

Ctrl + CCopies the selected file
Ctrl + NCreates a new file
Ctrl + OOpens a file
Ctrl + SSaves the current file
Ctrl + Shift + SSaves the current file with a new name
Ctrl + Shift + NCreates a new folder
Ctrl + VPastes the selected file
Ctrl + XCuts the selected file
Ctrl + YRedoes the last action
Ctrl + ZUndoes the last action
F2Renames the selected file
Shift + DeletePermanently deletes the selected file
Ctrl + Alt + DeleteOpens the System Monitor

LXDE Shortcuts

Alt + TabSwitch between open windows
Ctrl + Alt + DShow/hide desktop
Ctrl + Alt + TOpen terminal window
Ctrl + Alt + DeleteLog out or restart the computer
Super/Windows Key + DShow/hide desktop
Super/Windows Key + LLock the screen
Super/Windows Key + RRun command prompt
Super/Windows Key + TOpen LXDE terminal
Super/Windows Key + XShow LXDE application menu
Super/Windows Key + UpMaximize current window
Super/Windows Key + DownMinimize current window
Super/Windows Key + F1Help

System Shortcuts

Alt + Print ScreenTakes a screenshot of the current window
Ctrl + Alt + BackspaceRestarts the X server
Ctrl + Alt + F1Switches to the first virtual terminal (TTY1)
Ctrl + Alt + F2Switches to the second virtual terminal (TTY2)
Ctrl + Alt + F3Switches to the third virtual terminal (TTY3)
Ctrl + Alt + F4Switches to the fourth virtual terminal (TTY4)
Ctrl + Alt + F5Switches to the fifth virtual terminal (TTY5)
Ctrl + Alt + F6Switches to the sixth virtual terminal (TTY6)
Ctrl + Alt + F7Switches back to the GUI (X server

Web Browser Shortcuts

Alt + LeftGoes back to the previous page
Alt + RightGoes forward to the next page
Ctrl + EnterAutomatically adds “.com” to the URL in the address bar
Ctrl + LHighlights the URL in the address bar
Ctrl + RRefreshes the current page
Ctrl + TOpens a new tab
Ctrl + Shift + TReopens the last closed tab
Ctrl + WCloses the current tab

These keyboard shortcuts can help you navigate and use Raspbian more efficiently, saving you time and effort in performing various tasks.

Custom Raspberry Keyboard Shortcuts

Custom keyboard shortcuts are shortcuts that you can create in Raspbian to perform specific tasks that are not included in the default shortcuts. Here’s how to create custom shortcuts:

Creating Custom Raspberry Keyboard Shortcuts

  1. Open the Keyboard Shortcuts Preferences window by clicking on the Raspbian menu button and navigating to Preferences > Keyboard Shortcuts.
  2. Click on the “Add” button at the bottom of the window.
  3. In the “Command” field, enter the command for the action you want to perform. For example, if you want to open the file manager, enter “pcmanfm” in the Command field.
  4. Click on the “Apply” button to save the new shortcut.

Editing Custom Raspberry Keyboard Shortcuts

  1. Open the Keyboard Shortcuts Preferences window.
  2. Select the shortcut you want to edit and click on the “Edit” button.
  3. Modify the Command field as needed.
  4. Click on the “Apply” button to save the changes.

Removing Custom Raspberry Keyboard Shortcuts

  1. Open the Keyboard Shortcuts Preferences window.
  2. Select the shortcut you want to remove and click on the “Remove” button.
  3. Click on the “Apply” button to save the changes.

Adding Custom Keyboard Shortcuts via Terminal

In addition to the default keyboard shortcuts provided by your Raspberry Pi, you can also create your own custom keyboard shortcuts. This can be done through the terminal by using the xdotool command.

To add a custom keyboard shortcut using xdotool, follow these steps:

  1. Open the terminal window.
  2. Type sudo apt-get install xdotool to install xdotool if it is not already installed on your Raspberry Pi.
  3. Determine the command you want to run when the keyboard shortcut is pressed. For example, to open the Raspberry Pi Configuration tool, the command is lxsession-default application/tools/raspberry-config.desktop.
  4. Type nano ~/.config/openbox/lxde-pi-rc.xml to open the keyboard shortcut configuration file in the nano text editor.
  5. Add the following lines to the file, replacing Ctrl+Alt+T with the keyboard shortcut you want to use, and replacing lxsession-default application/tools/raspberry-config.desktop with the command you want to run:
phpCopy code<keybind key="Control+Alt+T">
  <action name="Execute">
    <command>xdotool key Ctrl+Alt+t && lxsession-default application/tools/raspberry-config.desktop</command>
  1. Save the changes to the file and exit the text editor by pressing Ctrl+X, then Y, then Enter.
  2. Restart your Raspberry Pi or log out and log back in for the changes to take effect.

Note: If you want to add a keyboard shortcut that uses a key combination that is already used by the system or another application, you will need to change the keybind to a different key combination to avoid conflicts.

Troubleshooting Keyboard Shortcuts

If you are experiencing issues with your keyboard shortcuts in Raspbian, here are some troubleshooting steps you can try:

Check Keyboard Shortcuts Preferences

Make sure that the keyboard shortcuts you are trying to use are not conflicting with other keyboard shortcuts or are not disabled. You can check this in the Keyboard Shortcuts Preferences window.

Restart Raspbian

Sometimes, restarting Raspbian can help resolve issues with keyboard shortcuts. Try restarting the system and see if the shortcuts work properly.

Update Raspbian

Make sure that you are running the latest version of Raspbian. Updates can fix bugs and improve system performance, which may resolve issues with keyboard shortcuts.

All the shortcuts can be used with Onboard on any Raspberry with Touchscreen.

My keyboard is the original Raspberry Pi Keyboard.

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